Friday, December 19, 2008

Saturday-Friday 12/13/08-12/19/08

This week I had two band concerts. One was at a church and the other was Arden Fair Mall. I got to play in beginning band with saxophone, intermediate band with clarinet, and my band stayed to play the songs with the advanced band too.
Here are the songs that we played:

Beginning band: Minor Rock, Rio Bravo, Jingle Bells, and Dr. Rock.

Intermediate band: Freedoms Force, Kum Ba Ya, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Tenth Planet, Walkin' Cool, and Star Wars.

Advance band: Valley Forge, If I didn't Have You, All Through the Silent Night, Swingin' on a Star, 12 Days of Christmas, and Christmas of the Toreador.

Also this week, we read the story of The Nutcracker and we are doing to go to see Joey and my cousins, Emily and Sydney, perform The Nutcracker. We are going to go my little brother's gymnastics show today and on Sunday we are going to go to my clarinet recital at a church. There were a lot of performances this week.
This week I started my Middle Ages book. I made two pages one on The Fall of Rome, and another on the Byzantine Empire. I drew a nice map for The Fall of Rome, and I'm doing a drawing of the Hagia Sophia for the Byzantine Empire.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Saturday-Friday 12/6/08-12/12/08

This week we learned more about Viking mythology. We leaned different stories of the Viking gods ,the Aesir, and their war and eventual truce with the Vanir, some other gods of the Norse.

Also this week, we went to the optometrist to get our eyes checked. We also looked at some new glasses for Joey and I.
Here is a picture me and my speech therapist:
Here is a picture of my clarinet teacher:

Friday, December 5, 2008

Saturday-Friday 11/22/08-12/5/08

This post will cover two weeks.
This week we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house for Thanksgiving. We stayed there two days, and we camped on their front yard for the night. It was about 40 degrees and we brought some really big blankets.
Here is a picture of us at my Aunt and Uncle's house:
Also this week, we learned about the Vikings and about how they were really the first ones to discover North America. We learned about their mythology and about Eric the Red and his son, Lief Erikson, and about their way of life. We also made a Viking ship out of paper.
Here is a picture of the Viking ship: