Friday, April 23, 2010


There's only another month until Summer Vacation!
Since there's only a month left of school and we completed all of the state standards awhile ago, we've been doing more Waldorf based education, in preparation for the following year. We've been taking eurythmy, wet-on-wet watercolor, and handwork at a place called P&H Grange.
We're covering things that we would have done this year if we were in Waldorf school. For me, that would be the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Funnel Cakes

Yesterday we celebrated my Dad's 43rd birthday. We gave him a couple presents, and I made him a card that made sure to remind him of his age.

For dinner, I made him a pizza and Joey made a salad. The funnel cakes were for dessert.

Last week we went to the World Market and found a funnel cake making kit. We prepared the batter an hour or two early, and let it sit in the fridge. Once it was time, I fried them in a pan of oil, and then we topped the cakes with blueberries, whipped cream, maple syrup, and powdered sugar. We were able to make about eight small, five inch funnel cakes.